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STUDY- Data Visualization/Tableau

[Tableau with Udemy] - Tableau Specialist Certification Prep

by 이고래고래 2021. 6. 19.


* lecture : Tableau Specialist Certification Prep

* when : 21 summer Vacation


* section :


# section1 : Introduction

# section2 : Interface Changes for Tableau 2020.2

# section3 : Essential Downloads study guide & data used in course

# section4: : Connection to & preparing data

# section5 : Exploring & Analyzing data

# section6 : Sharing Insights

# section7 : understanding tableau concepts

# section8 : Tableau Specialist practice exam1

# section9 : Tableau Specialist practice exam2

# section10 : Tableau Specialist practice exam3

# section11 : Conclustion


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