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STUDY- Data Visualization/Tableau

[Data visualization with Tableau] 태블로 공부 링크.

by 이고래고래 2021. 7. 14.


# Why Tableau?


- 데이터들의 연결성이 좋다.

- 서버를 통한 공유가 편하다. (같은 환경, 같은 리포트 공유 가능)

- 원본 교체가 가능하다. (똑같은 템플릿으로 데이터 시각화가 가능하다.)



# Tableau 화면

- 메뉴 - 툴바 - 패널 - 시트 


# 태블로 커뮤니티 활동

- 소프트 스킬 익히기 가능 + 창조적인 시각화 영감 가능!


color : https://color.adobe.com/ko/create/color-wheel






chart : https://tableau.toanhoang.com/


Toan Hoang - Tableau Tutorials

A Tableau resources for everyone who wants to learn and have fun while doing it; with plenty of Articles, links and regular updates.


practice : https://www.makeovermonday.co.uk/


Makeover Monday | A weekly social data project

Participating in #MakeoverMonday is simple. With this project being run globally across all timezones, dozens of countries, with people at various levels of experience and expertise, we want to ensure everyone is successful and gets the most out of their w




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